Ali Phelps
El Cerrito, CA
IXL Learning: Contract Illustrator (Feb 2016 - Present)
Illustrated vector art for children's educational games
Apple: Concept & Game Artist (August 2014 - January 2016)
Conceptualized and designed the visuals for various games & apps
Designed characters and animated them for mobile devices
Worked collaboratively to find ways of redesigning game-play
Helped to determine UI design and functionality
Created UI buttons, icons, and other game-play assets
Google: Contract Illustrator (Sept 2015)
Conceptualized and designed main characters & backgrounds in vector art to be used in e-learning tool
Toolwire: 2D Game Artist (Nov 2013)
Painted 2D game assets in Photoshop for educational games
Maine State Crime Lab: Graphic Artist (Sept 2012)
Designed the new lab patch to be used on official documentations and lab coats
Bodsix: Vector Artist (Sept 2011 - Nov 2011)
Created 2D vector graphics for a mobile game
Cryptic Sea: 2D Artist & 3D Modeler (April 2011 - April 2012)
Conceptualized characters for "Touring Cars Legend"
Modeled cars and various racing props to be used in game
Provided creative input on story and level designs
Mindsnacks: Art Intern (Nov 2011 - April 2012)
Responsible for creating 2D vector art using Illustrator
Sputnik Animation: 2D Artist & Animator (Sept 2008 - July 2010)
2D character & background artist on "DJ & Alicia"
3D Animator on "Smoke Alarms", a fire safety DVD for the NFPA
3D Modeler on historic navy battleships for display at a naval museum in Boston, MA
Shipped titles
Shopland Challenges (Apple, in-house sales training)
Shopland Journey (Apple, in-house sales training)
Solution Street (Apple, in-house sales training)
EcoTool (Apple, in-house sales training)
MacHeist 4 (iOS, Mac)
Mindsnacks Games: SAT Prep, Japanese, French (iOS)
Map Monsters (iOS)
Smoke Alarms (Educational DVD)
DJ & Alicia (PC)
Camera+ (iOS)
Proficient in Illustration using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator
Skilled in character design, concept art, visual development, & 2D game assets
Able to create simple character and background animations using Adobe Flash
The New England Institute of Art, Boston MA (2005 - 2008)
Bachelor Degree in Media Arts & Animation
Graduated with honors
Special mentions
Illustrator for "The Duct Tape Engineer" by Lance Akiyama
Game Developer's Conference, San Francisco CA
Conference Associate (4 years veteran)
Exhibitor w/ Cryptic Sea for Touring Cars Legend (2012)